One House – One Tree – One Bonsai – Oneness

This articles aims to help you in taking care of your Bonsai Plant.

Few Factors which play key role for the survival of bonsai are Environment,Water,Plant health,Soil and Specie itself.

As soon as you take home a bonsai make sure you place them in the right place where there is proper sunlight.Certain varieties prefer lot of sunlight while some prefer semi shade.But if you have taken a bonsai tree do not keep them indoors.Keeping them indoor will eventually reduce soil enzyme activities.The tree needs to experience all the seasonal changes in order to carry out its all the functions smoothly.Photosynthesis can only happen when there is proper sunlight.

Treat your Bonsai like a child.

Trimming the branches can be done once branches start thickening.Pinching the shoots will help in back budding.They help in retaining the shape,height and proportion.They help in increasing the branch and leaf density.If there are any old leaves in the plant remove them.if there is any broken branch remove them properly to enhance the beauty of the bonsai.

Watering has do be done when the surface soil is dry.In general once a day if kept outside,heavy summer it can be
watered twice and if rainy then avoid watering till your soil dries.

The artist might have wired your bonsai to keep it n shape. Usually the wires are kept till the branch become
stiff.But if branch become more thick, the wire will start eating the branch.So remove the wire when branch
thickens.Usually it takes a month or two depending on the specie.

Check for the water drainage holes in your pot for every two months.The roots may try to come out of these holes. That’s when you may have to re pot them.the roots will block the water from moving out and also will block the passage of air to other roots.So re pot it.

Re potting has to be avoided during winter and do this in a shaded place.First remove the plant by loosening the
side of the pot.If the tree in anchored to a wire remove the wire and then remove the plant.Loosen the soil of the
plant at the bottom and sides.Trim the dark roots or the roots at the bottom.Cut around 15% of the roots.Place a cut mosquito net on top of the drainage holes.Put new soil (40% soil 40% sand and 20%)is ideal.after putting the soil place your plant back. Water it after re potting.Do not shake your tree for few days.After two weeks bring it back to your natural place where u had kept it earlier.This ensures your plants live like a true Bonsai.

To keep plants healthy timely fertilizing and spraying of insecticides help.Use fertilizers which are diluted.Do not put any fertilizers on roots directly.If the leaf is infected and if infected leaves are few in numbers then remove those leaves.if the entire plant is infected spray a proper insecticide.

Some times certain unnecessary plants or weed grow along your bonsai and take away soil nutrients from them.so remove such plants every time they appear.This ensures the entire nutrition is left for the bonsai plant.

If the roots are too thick for your pot or if u want grow your bonsai more bigger then shift it to a larger pot.Once in a while wipe your pot with soap or shampoo water to keep it clean and shining.

The first process of Bonsai making is the most important process that is selecting the right tree to start.The choice of the tree plays very crucial role in the Bonsai Journey.It is important to note that every plant can be potted in a Ceramic pot but not all turn to become a good Bonsai.

The climate plays a major role.Always select plant that is suitable for the climate you live in.All the personal favorite plant or flowers need not, in the long run turn out to be a good Bonsai.Hence its very important to keep a long term goal before choosing a plant.A good Bonsai must have a good trunk taper, properly arranged main branches,secondary and tertiary branches.The form of the bonsai can be natural or rule book way.Fruits and flowers in a bonsai is good but it should not be the most important criteria, its secondary.A fruiting plants life is very less compared to a foliage tree.Bonsai containers are not specifically made for fruiting varieties.More over plants like lemon,mousambi do not withstand wiring,regular die back of branches does not give good appearance.

Considering the above criteria here a few varieties suiting our climate

  • Ficus microcarpa
  • Arjuna tree
  • Ficus longisland
  • Brazilian rain tree
  • Banyan tree
  • Ficus religiosa or Peepal tree
  • Chinese Elm
  • Ficus viren
  • Fukien tea
  • Pithocellobium dulce or juglee jalebi
  • Ficus mysorensis
  • Ficus racemosa
  • Streblus asper or sandpaper tree
  • Schefflera
  • Tamarind
  • Ficus triangularis
  • Wood apple
  • Jade
  • Casuarina equisetifolia
  • Ficus rumphii
  • Gulmohar

Few plants that are not suitable for bonsai(which can be avoided)

  • Palm tree
  • Adenium
  • Golden Benjamina
  • Starlight varigated
  • Mango
  • Lemon
  • Thulasi
  • Rose

Try choosing green foliage tree varieties so that you can enjoy an ever lasting bond with your Bonsai.Also note that sunlight is compulsory for all of them.Always choose a healthy plant which has good branching.Allow the plant to grow to your full satisfaction before shifting it into a bonsai pot.

By Ajay H

Hello friends,

Bonsai plants are often subjected to unscientific myths and this article is aimed at clearing them.

  • A) The Bonsai plants are natural dwarf varieties

This the most common misunderstood concept.A bonsai by default is not a dwarf plant.It is a normal plant which is trained to be a miniature.It is an art form that can be created using almost any tree.

  • B) Bonsai is a indoor plant

This indoor plant concept is often used by many bonsai seller to attract more customers.Most bonsai are outdoor variety.Bonsai is not a house plant, it can be kept outside the house.Bonsai is usually kept indoor to avoid certain harsh climate like snowfall or cyclone.Bonsai is suitable for garden,balcony or terrace.Remember the school days,when chapters of photosynthesis was taught.Sun light is the chief source of food to the plant.

  • C) The fruits of a Bonsai is small

With proper care and pruning the leaf size of a plant reduces.However the size of fruit is normal.The quantity on the fruit will be lesser than regular plant but quality and size remains unaffected.

  • D) Bonsai is very tough to maintain

Bonsai requires regular care.But it is easy to maintain since the process of maintenance is similar to any potted plant.Since most of the bonsai are already shaped all you require is to water.prune,fertilize and re pot(yearly or as required) for the plant.The bonsai can be kept by anyone who loves these plants.

  • E) Pruning,wiring is a torture to the plant

Wires are not kept permanently and are removed once the stem is thick.Pruning gives birth to new shoots and thus helps in keeping the plant healthy.Some people argue that it is against the nature ,then all potted plants have to be seen in the same way.Why target the Bonsai alone?Bonsai trees are not starved or deprived of nutrition.They are taken care like a child and are the most pampered plant in the garden.

  • F) Any tree in a ceramic pot is a Bonsai

This often happens in few nurseries which tries to over smart the customers.A stick like plant or a twig in a pot will remain a stick or twig no matter how expensive or attractive the pot is.A tree has to be in a good shape and health.Avoid thulasi,rose,marigold etc for bonsai.Its a combination of a good tree and good pot that make a good Bonsai.

  • G) Bonsai plants doesn’t require watering and feeding

Watering is the most important procedure so please water your plants properly.Bonsai requires constant attention.In summer watering can be done twice but during rainy season avoid watering till the surface soil dries.Nutrients are lost during watering hence feed it well .

  • H) Bonsai tree does not grow.

Bonsai is a living plant which requires good care.Since Bonsai is pruned it may not grow tall but definitely new branch and leaf formation,thickening of the trunk,growth of the root keeps happening.The growth in a mature plant may be slow when compared to a young plant.Only an artificial bonsai or a dead bonsai doesn’t grow.A regular bonsai keeps growing,changing and evolving.

Bonsai is against the nature?Is Bonsai method cruel on plants?

here we go

Bonsai is a miniature tree inspired by the nature itself.There are stunted trees in nature because of various phenomenon.Tree in different places grow differently in nature.Factors which affect their growth include sunlight,soil,humidity and many more.

Remember that the Universe is a collection of many creations and Bonsai is one among them.God is there every where then why do we need statues?Similarly trees are there every where why do we need a Bonsai.A bonsai is a miniature representation of trees in nature.
A bonsai plant is similar to any potted gardening plant.By keeping pots in our surrounding are we torturing them?By plucking flowers and fruits in a plant are we harming them?It is okay if a plant is used for Ayurveda(plucked,chopped,dried and grinded)but it’s not okay if the plant is used for an art called Bonsai.

Technically pruning of a bonsai helps in creation of new buds and helps in increasing the health of the plant.Wiring helps to keep the plant in a shape.Wires are removed later and are used if required only.Bonsai trees are not starved or deprived of water or food.They are watered very carefully depending on the season,size of the pot,nature of the soil and environment.They are always kept in place where there is plenty of sunlight.If the weather is too hot,its kept in shade.if they are attacked by insect we kill them,if they are diseased we cure them.

Re potting,pruning is done to keep the plant healthy and alive.Bonsai is passed from generation to generation and till the end of its life span with utmost care,love and sincerity

If Bonsai was tortured,beaten or punished why would the plant live so long and and remain healthy through out?why wouldn’t all bonsai look weak?Why would they not die immediately?why will they give fruits and flowers if they are hurt?why new shoots if they feel pain?Does a tortured plant live 100 years?

We care for bonsai and are attached to it emotionally.Bonsai has many positive effect on mind and health.One feels relaxed and stress free doing bonsai activities.If the plants were tortured or sick any visitor who visits to see bonsai might feel like visiting a hospital.Instead they find peace of mind and relaxation.They enjoy the beauty and get inspired.We can feel the positive vibe near them.

Bonsai is a healer of soul and a simple method of saving rare trees for future.Every individual cannot keep a tree in front of his home and hence Bonsai tree gives them a great alternative choice. Be positive enjoy the art form.Let the most beautiful and never ending relationship between a bonsai and its owner continue for ever.Thank you

By Ajay ( Bonsai Mane

All the information shared here is in accordance to the climate of Bengaluru.

The oldest known technique of propagating a plant is by seed.A seed is a capsule containing the plant embryo.Some seeds are coated while some are not.In proper growing conditions the seeds becomes a new plant.

The seeds are part of the plant reproduction.Some seeds in nature are edible like nuts,cereals etc which contain essential nutrients.While some seeds are used to extract oil example Groundnut,Sunflower etc.

Common trees that are grown in this method are Gulmohar,Tamarind,Cassia,Albizia saman , Acacia, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia arjuna etc.

The seeds can be collected from the nature or it can be purchased online.How ever it is hard to find tree seeds in a retail store these days.Do not store the collected seeds for a long time use them at the earliest.Soak the collected seed in warm water over night.Soaking will help in softening the seed coat.If the seed size is small like a mustard do not soak them.

Take a germination tray 3 to 4 inch deep.Cover the holes of the tray with a mosquito net or a steel net.For potting medium use a mixture of cocopeat,perlite or sand.Cocopeat is available as block or powdered form.If it is in block form soak the block.Loosen the soaked block to extract the powdered cocopeat.If perlite is not available use sand.Put the potting medium in the tray and moisten it.Now sow the soaked seeds about 2cm deep.Do not sow it too deep.

Water the tray before they dry using a spray can.Keep the tray away from the pets and protect them from heavy rain.Some seeds germinate fast while some may take months to germinate.Allow the plants to grow properly at least for a season before transplanting them.Make sure they have healthy leaves and roots.Once the roots starts coming out of the tray holes,remove the plant and place them in a grow bag.

The soil in the growing bag can be a mixture of red soil,sand and manure.Allow the plant to grow healthy and prune them if required.Grow at least for a couple of years in the bag with proper fertilizing. If the trunk has to bent to achieve complex shape bend it went is flexible itself using wires.But do not wire all the branches .Allow the plant to grow and then shape them.Once your satisfied with the result shift the tree in to the bonsai tray or pot.Remember it may take several years to achieve a proper bonsai.So always have time for it.

The advantages of growing from this method

a) the durability of the tree is high
b) Shaping is easy
c) One can learn from the scratch the entire bonsai making process and growth of the plant.
d)The emotional bonding between human and the tree increases if he sees them grow from day one.

Why is there stress ?

First we need to recognize the stress and react positively towards it. There can be many causes for stress family, health, finance etc. Today’s world is moving fast our breathing is faster and most of the time we are not at all relaxed. Forget relaxation most of us even don’t want relax. Such is our mental condition. We are ready to take stress releasing tablets but we are not ready to relax.

Gardening, music, yoga, dancing are the best methods of diverting the attention. Once the attention is elsewhere tension will reduce. Tree provide oxygen which in turn refreshes our brain and thought. Hence being near a tree itself is a method of relaxation. In ancient scripts it is mentioned that trees used speak.

Trees are very sensitive and they understand our thought. Many studies have shown that trees react to music. They grow well in classical music. Rock music hinders its growth. Hence it’s very important to understand its psychology.

Many trees have many medicinal properties. Even passing by a Nilgiri forest may heal our headaches. Neem trees are planted to avoid epidemics in villages. These things suggests the effects they have on us. Hence these trees can provide us relief. The same way the mind can be relaxed by concentrating on the green leaves of the tree.

A Bonsai is a miniature tree hence even it posses the power of a tree. Its leaves soothes the eyes. Its air freshens our mind. The activities involved like pinching, pruning, repotting etc will divert our mind hence clearing our thought process. Thus our minds will become free from thoughts. Watering these plants will refresh our mind it will increase our bond with tree. It will end our loneliness also can be our good companion. A tree always listens to us and sends it positive vibrations to us. A bond between tree and human is special. Closing our eyes and sitting in front of a Bonsai tree will be helpful in clearing bad thoughts as we breathe fresh air. New thinking’s will happen and old thought will disappear.

Its significant to notice that even a harsh human can be converted into a humble man while taking care of a Bonsai. Everyday watering, monthly applying fertilizers and spraying pesticides will induce sympathy and care in our heart for the tree. Thus it will help us to be a caring human being. Looking after the Bonsai tree for many years will teach us patience. Hence one can have a mental fitness trainer in the form a Bonsai in our homes. With patience, sympathy, care and humbleness our mind will be free of any guilt and thoughts will be relaxed. Since meditation is a process of relaxation and Bonsai helping in getting it. Bonsai equals meditation.

Written by Ajay.H

Spiritually all the things in the world are connected. The soul is eternal but our physical body dies but only to be sent back to nature.

The basic questions are

Who am I ?
Where i am from ?
Where do i go ?

Everything in this universe has come from one single source of energy particle also known as God. It also means one part of the energy particle split during the formation of universe is still in us. It means that God is there in everything. One has to realize it by awakening our mind.

Speaking of a Tree or in this case a Bonsai, it also has come from the same energy source. A Tree survives for thousands of years collecting all energy sources from surroundings in the form of light, wind, water etc. While it keeps some of them it releases the others to keep a balance.

A Bonsai grower is always associated with his Bonsai. He or she may spend at least half an hour with them. In this way transferring his mind and energy on them. Be it in the form of air one exhales or touch or even watering them. These exchange between the owner and the tree luckily happens for many many years since Bonsai have good life span. The regular care taken towards them also sub consciously draws the owners towards these trees. These energy particles will be stored preciously in these trees in the form of tissue, leaves and branches .Hence keeping the owners breath for ever in itself.

Hence for me it’s important to have such trees which have such life span. Which can grow for years with us and also for years without us. A tree or plant with short span of life when dies it takes away a part of us with it. But a tree with greater life span keeps us even after we die. It will keep our breath, time and energy in it reminding the future generation about us. Its poetic yet realistic.

It keeps us alive in it. Through this way one can tell kids that if they want to remember us forever you need not see the photo or stars in the sky. Just go near these plants feel our presence.

These bonsai when planted in ground will live for hundreds or even thousands of years. Hence it will only be great if our favorite Bonsai are planted on the ground in our memory once we exit of our physical form. Hence making us immortal and also doing our bit to mother nature.

This is truly my perspective or vision. One may agree or disagree.

Author Ajay.H

If there is any one country where trees are worshiped like god it has to be India. Perhaps no other culture lays emphasis on environmental preservation as ours. Many sacred texts of ours
mentions the importance of preserving the nature .Many today even in modern India worship trees showing that this culture has been Genetic. Almost all sacred places have century old trees. Every town or village have trees preserved or even worshiped. Many Villages don’t have bus
stand shelter but have a tree shelter. Ecology has been given utmost importance in our culture. The Prakruthi or the nature has been equaled to god. Even the earth has been called as Bhoomi devi or Bhoo mata, Sun is Surya bhagwan, Cow is Gomata, river is Ganga, Rain is Varuna, wind as Vaayu and we perhaps see god in every living being on this planet such is our culture.

There has been argument that Bonsai originally came from India but it’s still not clear. Leave it aside now let’s read this mantra of a tree.

Moolatho Brahma roopaya,madyatho Vishnu roopini,

Agrathe Shiva roopaya,Vriksha raajaythe namah.,

Its saluting the Aswatha vriksha or Peepal tree or Ficus religosa calling it the king of trees whose root are from Brahma, middle from Vishnu and top or head is from Shiva. Indicating the presence of srusthi stithi laya that is creation preservation and destruction all located in that single tree. So calling it a universe is not wrong at all. Co incidentally it is the same tree which discharges Oxygen even at the night. Thus we have been told to worship and not to cut it. In other words our shastras are aiding in preserving these tree for the future. Such a beautiful concept can originate only from India. Now let’s name few similar trees.

Banyan tree : This tree has a mention in Mahabharatha. This tree has been worshipped from centuries.

Bilva vriksha: This tree is associated with lord Shiva. Its highly medicinal and even a single leaf of this tree is put on Shiva its equal-ant to worshiping him for many years.

Ashoka tree: This tree is associated to Kama Deva. It’s also found in temples and Buddhist monasteries.

Mango tree : King of fruits mango is also sacred .Its leaves are air purifiers often placed with a string above the main entrance door. Its sticks are also used for rituals.

Many other trees like Coconut, Sandalwood, Thulsi etc are considered sacred. Even the Ayurveda was from our culture itself. The reason to mention all these things is that we are slowly destroying all such beautiful sacred trees. Reasons are many like increasing population and urbanization, industrialization, decrease in agriculture, greed and money.
Today’s kids are busy with laptops and video games instead of enjoying with birds and trees. Most of the trees on streets are chopped off. Are we leaving no trees for the future?

One the best mode of preserving these rare and sacred Indian trees is by Bonsai .This doesn’t require much space and if required in future it can be planted on ground which will again become
big tree. In this way we can help in building a good environment. One of the best ways to improve air quality in by having a Peepal or Mango tree.

Today our elders tell that they do not find many trees of their times .One of the reason is their generation didn’t preserve it. But even today if we leave such trees and bring only foreign variety trees then who is going to preserve them. It’s not that we are not preserving but what we are doing is not enough .At Bonsai Mane I pledge to preserve such trees through my Bonsai.

Written by Ajay.H

There are many medicinal and spiritual properties for a tree.This article intends to give insight in to spiritual aspects.In our ancient Indian texts many trees are mentioned to have godly properties.These trees have great importance in our traditional rituals.From Birth to Death,Heaven to Earth and Veda to Ayurveda Trees are there every where.

Lets discuss few of the many such religious trees.

Ficus religiosa or Peepal tree.

Ashwatha is what it is called in Sanskrit and in Kannada it is called Arali mara .It is referred as the king of trees.

Moolatho Brahma roopaya, madhyatho Vishnu roopine Agratha Shiva roopaya , vruksha rajaya they nama

This tree represents Lord Hari. It represents Brihaspathi or guru.The fallen sticks and twigs are used in the Homa
and is the most important wood in any such ritual.Every other wood has an alternate but the wood from Peepal tree has no alternate in Homas. This twig is very important to perform guru shanthi.
Women who are not able to have a child are asked to go round the tree early in the morning for 48 times.There is a special holy ritual where a person conducts marriage of Peepal tree with a Neem tree and builds stone boundary around it.Every individual has to plant this tree at least ones in his life to get blessings of god.Even a person watering these tree shall be benifited. Sitting under this tree and chanting mantra increases the effect of the mantra by manyfold.

Banyan tree

In Sanskrit it is known as Vat Vruksha and in Kannada it is called Aalada mara. Most of the village have court under a Banyan tree . It is believed that if the person tells lies the tree brings misfotune to the person.Hence many hesitate to tell lie under this tree.Lord Krishna in Gita tells he is present in the form of a Banayan .It is also belived that when the maha pralay happend the lord Krishna in the form of a child had come floating on a Banyan leaf.This tree in many scripture is described as an eternal tree indicating its longevity.

Ficus racemosa

Is known as Audumbara in Sanskrit and in Kannada it is called Atthi mara. This tree is the home for Guru Dattatreya. This tree is fruit bearing.This wood or the twig is used in Shukra shanthi ,that is to nullify the ill effects of the Shukra planet.This tree has the power to take negative energy and give positive energy.Hence no black magic works in front of this tree.Planting this tree is considered very sacred and one has to do the Upanayanam for this tree to get its proper benefits.

Prosopis cineraria or Shami tree.

This tree is known as Shami vriskha in Sanskrit and in Kannada it is called Banni mara. The people who are facing saade saath Shani or having planet Shani related problems are asked to do the pradakshina. The wood or the twigs are used to do the Shani shanthi homa. During the Vijayadashami the tree is worshipped and its leaves are exchanged as prasad. In Mahabharatha when the Pandavas went to Viratnagara as a part of their 14 year of exile they hid their weapons in Shammi tree.After one year when they returned they found their weapons intact.The Pandavas seeked the blessings of the tree and emerged victorious.Hence those who worship this tree will prosper and emerge victorious.

Shamee Shameeyathey paapam
Shamee shathru vinashini
Arjunasya Dhanurdhari
Sri Ramasya priyadarshineem

It is believed that placing the shami leaf in cash box at home or office protects the wealth and increases it.

Mango tree

Known as Amra vriksha or chootha vriksha in Sanskrit and Maavina mara in Kannada.This tree is very holy and is used in most of the Auspicious days. It is used in most of the festival. Its leaf is used in kalasha puja. The leaves are tied to the door as they are believed to keep away bad spirits and bring fresh air.

Butea monosperma

In Sanskrit it is Palash and Kannada it is known as Muthuga. For a Brahmin the upanayana is known as the second life and is known as dvija. During this ritual this palash is considered as god and is tied to a stick.It is known to remove the fear the person having the stick.
Palashaam somaya meaning it is very significant to Chandra or the Moon god. Its sticks are used in Homa. Its flowers are used in worshiping lord Shiva.

Written by Ajay

Subject Jade Bonsai By Anil Kumar.

Crasulla ovata Commonly known as jade is a succulent plant.
Basic Caring of Jade

Jade need a tight soil. Less of organic and more red soil and sand.and also not granular media.

Watering of jade is very important in keeping the plant healthy.Jade if watered heavily may die hence water it only when the soil is completely dry.Full sun and regular pruning leads to more foliage.
Feed a fertiliser which has nitrogen for growth and balanced NPK(Nitrogen,Phosophorus and Potash) 10:10:10 for matured Bonsai.Feed monthly once.

Re pot in spring,3 years once for a matured jade, avoid heavy root pruning In rainy season keep under protection.

General observation on growing Jades :

1) Always have a quick drying soil. Jades do not like moisture retention. Use 1:1/4:1/4 ratio of red soil : manure : sand.

2) Wire should be regularly monitored. Never wire them tight. Being fleshy if the wire tightens it harms the bark and eats into your branches. Its difficult to heal later on.

3) For dense foliage keep pinching or pruning, after every two to three new leaves. Jades sprouts new shoots very easily.

4) Always water your jades very carefully. Make sure your soil dry up before the next watering. If your soil doesn’t dry up that day. Then water it the next day.

5) Jades love to grow in maximum Sunlight. The more the Sun the better they respond.

6) Feed them with NPK.(19:19:19) Every 15 days. For good growth and better foliage.

By Mr. Anil Kumar

Root rotting is not a disease,Root rot is the process due to anaerobic reaction taken place inside the pot soil.
Due to certain resonance soil get tighten and oxygen (fresh air) may not reach over there ,on this condition the anaerobic bacteria and fungus become active and decomposes all organic matters.Due to this reaction certain harmful chemicals release like alcohol etc which are affecting on fresh roots and kills the root and the root becomes rotten .

How to avoid root rot—
1.The top soil in a pot needs to be loosen regularly
2.The top soil (1cm) should be dry before watering
3.Check the drainage holes of the pot ,water should come out easily . Proper drain arrangement its very important.
4 . While watering ,use jet of shower (pressured watering system) on the soil so that any harmful chemicals and bacteria comes out through drain holes if they presence and the PH level of the soil will be maintained thus soil will be conditions. (This method may be useful once in week)
5.Good potting mix to be used
i.e.porous soil (mix of course aggregate soil and thick organic matters.)

Tips to get more Fruits n Flower

For Bonsai of Fruits and flowers plants, use potash rich fertilizers to be used regularly once in 15 days and
Once flower bud started come ,stop fertilizing and water to be reduced to increase the flowers n fruit growth.

By Mr. Anil Kumar

Watering a Bonsai

Watering a plant is one of the most important process in Bonsai care.Bonsai Should be taken care so that it doesn’t dry out or get water logged.Outdoor bonsai in rainy season does not need watering.The surface soil has to be little dry before next watering.But never water in a way that the soil or the root gets waterlogged because the root may rot and the plant will die.The frequency of watering may vary because of reasons like season,soil combination or surface temperature.Make sure to change your watering habits accordingly.There should not be any routine method,water when the plants need them.If the surface is not drying properly try loosening the top soil.When leaf shedding happens water less.
To water a plant do not use a pipe or mug use a rose can or spray can as it doesn’t affect the top soil much.


Removing of excess or unwanted branches that needs to be trimmed in order to maintain the desired plant shape and size.Do pruning as required.Use sharp scissors for small branches and cutters for hard branches.Prune before wiring .To get more secondary branches pinch the edges of the shoot.


Applying fertilisers enhances the growth and health of the plant.Organic fertilisers does not harm the Bonsai hence is the most suitable.More over it helps in creation of humus and intern help in the ion exchange process.Also chemical fertilisers can be applied in a proportionate ratio once in a while to get good result.

Advantages of organic fertilisers

It doesn’t harm the plant and is natural product
It forms Humus which plays vital role in Cation exchange
It helps in maintaining soil temperature during summer
It regulates surface moisture of the soil
It creates useful soil enzymes.


Shaping with wire is one of the most widely used technique used in bonsai.This helps in design and shaping of the bonsai tree.While wiring check the trunks flexibility and use the required wire guage to bend the branches or trunk.Remove the wire before it brings a mark on the branch and damage the bark.Check the wiring regularly.
Use soft Aluminum wire or copper wire.


When trees grow vigorously during growing season and can easily grow completely out of shape in a very short time do pinching regularly to maintain the shape of the bonsai tree.The normal process is done using pointed scissor to pinch the new shoots.Use yours fingers to remove them in early stages.

Soil Maintenance for a Bonsai plant

The soil surface condition is also equally important for both health and appearance of the plant.Removal of dead leaves and thorns from soil surface is priority.Also remove the unwanted weeds so the plants get sufficient nutrients and the drain holes doesn’t get blocked.

Re pot Of a bonsai

Repot is a process of changing soil and trimming the old dead roots.This ensures good root health.This Can be done yearly once during the monsoon for most tropical plant.If the tree is mature and old repotting can be done 2 yearly once.